While most questions are answered within each products description and on my TT LIVES @gods_herbs_heal_you. Please review all Q&A to meet your needs or CONTACT US on our homepage.


Q: Do you ship World wide?

Q: Do you have a tracking number?
A; Its within the shipping notification I sent to the email address you provided once your ordered was processed.

Q: I have XYZ Disease or Illness, which protocol do I need?
A: Our PROTOCOL ONE treats most ALL disease and illnesses with exception of Cancer, EBV/MOLD and Lyme Disease which we have specific protocols for. Please view all of our Protocols and find the one that best addresses your issues.

Q: I’ve taken XYZ Vaccine/Booster, which Protocol do I need?
A: You need PROTOCOL ONE, taken for 3 consecutive months.

Q: I’ve never taken any XYZ Vaccine but have been shed on or have long haul Covid Symptoms, which Protocol do I use?
A: You need PROTOCOL ONE, taken for 3 consecutive months..

Q: How do I take your Protocol?
A: Detailed directions are sent with your order.

Q: Can Children take this?
A: Many have decided for themselves to administer to their children in 1-2 drops with great success. We cannot advice on safety for Children. Please do your ow research.

Q: Is this safe while pregnant or breast feeding?
A: We cannot advice on safety for pregnant or breastfeeding Mothers, only the Zeolite is known to be taken safely. Please do your own research to determine if our herbs are right for you.

Q: Can your protocols be given to my pets?
A: These protocols were not meant for pets. Check safety with your Vet.

Q: Will this interfere with my current supplements or meds?
A: Although our supplements do not interfere, always check with your Doctor for any possible interactions.

Q: Should I stop my meds while taking this detox?
A: NO, have your physician monitor you to determine when it is advisable to stop any medications.

Q: What detoxing symptoms can I expect?
A: Those whom are more highly toxic than others may experience slight dizziness, tiredness, headaches, bloating, fatigue or sore muscles and joints. Take one more dose of Zeolite to compensate for excessive die off/detoxing symptoms.

Q: Will I need to be near a bathroom while doing a detox?
A: Most only experience additional frequency of urination while drinking more water on our detoxes.

Q: Are there diet restrictions?
A: Yes. NO red meat, NO sugar, NO dairy and NO processed foods.

Q: What sweetener can I use?
A: Stevia & monk fruit.

Q: The dropper only pulls up half way, is that a full dropperful?
A: NO, squeeze again! A full dropperful is 30 drops.

Q: How long must I do this detox?
A: 3 consecutive months. If any symptoms still persist, continue with another month as some are more highly toxic than others.

Q: I'm out of tinctures in 2 weeks...do I need to buy more?
A: NO, continue with the zeolite for the remainder of the month and start again on month 2 and month 3 of this detox with the tinctures, never missing a dose of Zeolite.

Q: Do you have a public phone number?
A: NO, I would not be able to answer the 1000's of calls while getting all orders processed, packaged and shipped.

Q: How can I reach you?
A: If you haven’t found your answer here, please email me by clicking CONTACT US on our Website or JOIN MY LIVES or Comment in any video on my Tik Tok @gods_herbs_heal_you. I will see it sooner.